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Monday, October 12, 2009

Lemons, Pickles and Ducks

A recipe in pictures or pictures with a couple of recipes.

Limoncello and Lemon Curd. Click here Flickr for the details.

And here's a quick recipe for pickled peppers, with a nod to Michael Ruhlman's Ratio.

When you're at the farmer's market, grab a container of super fresh pretty peppers.
Find a jar that will fit the peppers. Any jar with a lid.
Wash the peppers and stab them with a sharp knife in a couple of places.
Fill the jar with the peppers. Now fill the jar with water.
Pour the water into a measuring cup. Pour half of it out. Replace the water you've poured out with vinegar.
Pour the water/vinegar mixture into a saucepan.
For each quart jar, add to the liquid
1 Tbls. kosher salt
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp coriander seed
1 tsp black pepper
Bring to a boil. Pour over the peppers.
Put the lid on the jar. Cool, then refrigerate.
They'll be ready to eat in about two weeks. In the meantime, they look really pretty in the 'fridge.
(peppers, left to right - "snacking" sweet peppers, whole jalapenos, jalapeno rings, peachy mamas)

I'll be back soon with a post about my Charcuterie class and a three day encounter with four ducks.


MenuManiac said...

I'm a little confused about this recipe but would like to try it. What part of the liquid actually goes into the saucepan to boil -- just water or water/vinegar mixture?

MrsWheelbarrow said...

The water and vinegar go into the saucepan to boil. Sorry for any confusion and thank you for your comment.